Meet Our Team - Rudolfs Opmanis

Senior Solutions Architect

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Rudolfs Opmanis
Senior Solutions Architect
Tom Sawyer Software
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Role at Tom Sawyer Software

Rudolfs Opmanis joined Tom Sawyer Software in 2007. He began as a software engineer in the graph layout group working on Tom Sawyer Software’s automatic graph layout algorithms. Since 2009, Rudolfs focuses on professional services projects, developing specialized graph layout algorithms, and designing and implementing customized data visualization solutions with Tom Sawyer Software products. Applying experience gained from working closely with customers, Rudolfs designed and managed the development of some of the features now available in the company’s products.

Rudolfs is highly interested in many aspects of data visualization and image processing. He has participated as a researcher in scientific projects at the Institute of Informatics and Mathematics of the University of Latvia, and has been a lecturer for the “Basics of Computer Graphics and Image Processing” course at the University of Latvia.


Rudolfs holds a Master of Computer Science degree with distinction from the University of Latvia.

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