Meet Our Team - Santiago Leon, Senior Product Development Engineer

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Santiago Leon

Santiago Leon
Senior Product Development Engineer
Tom Sawyer Software
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Role at Tom Sawyer Software

Santiago joined Tom Sawyer Software in 2018 as a product development engineer. He’s implemented product features that address customer’s needs, always using the available technologies in the best way possible. As a Senior Product Development Engineer he has worked with web technologies to provide a streamlined software architecture to our customers, especially software developers.

Santiago has been involved in supporting customers from multiple domains like aerospace, manufacturing and systems engineering, particularly through the involvement in working groups from the Object Management Group (OMG). He’s passionate about making graph technologies readily accessible to our customers and partners.

Working Background

Prior to working with Tom Sawyer Software, Santiago worked with multiple open source teams involved in the development for the Linux ecosystem. He has also participated in international conferences about knowledge graphs and systems engineering.


Santiago has a master’s degree in Computer Science from Cinvestav (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional) in Mexico City with a focus on combinatorics and geometric graph theory. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey where he was a research assistant on multiple teams leading the development of both software and electronics.


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