Tom Sawyer Perspectives

Build effective graph visualization and analysis applications that give value to your data.

Tom Sawyer Perspectives is a low-code graph visualization and analysis development platform. Integrated design and preview interfaces and extensive API libraries allow developers to quickly create custom applications that intuitively solve big data problems.

Use features like nested drawings, advanced node and edge labeling, precise shape clipping, port and connectors controls, and incremental layout to see the superstructure of your data and produce visually clear graphs that are understood by domain experts and stakeholders alike.


Perspectives 13.2 available now

Perspectives 13.2 includes powerful enhancements designed to make development easier and graph visualization more intuitive. 
  • Reduced edge crossings 30-50% on average in hierarchical drawings.

  • Entering Cypher or Gremlin queries is easier and more flexible.  

  • Use the web framework of your choice and integrate and build modern applications in React, Angular, and HTML.

Create effective applications

Skip the complicated and costly data modeling phase. Focus on filters, behaviors, and other customizations.
Design the algorithms, views, and behaviors that support your graph visualization use case.


Connect to your data.
Then configure the algorithms, views, and behaviors that support your use case.
Build your visualization application using the Perspectives point-and-click interface.


Build your visualization application using the Perspectives point-and-click interface. Use Git, Apache Maven, Spring®, and Docker® for source control, build, and CI/CD integration.
Deploy your application to end users as a microservice, embedded into your software, or as a stand-alone application.


Deploy your application to end-users as a microservice, as a stand-alone application, or embedded into your software.



Design and preview

Use the point-and-click Designer interface to integrate your data and perfect your graph visualization application design. Then use the Previewer interface to see your work in action.


Seamlessly federate and integrate data from dozens of sources

Get control of your data and gain a competitive advantage with data federation and data integration.



Case Study: Leveraging Data Visualization for Improved Program and Systems Engineering in Large Projects

Explore the application of data visualization in addressing program and systems engineering problems in a large project.


Learn how to integrate with Amazon Neptune, SQL, Excel, and Neo4j in these easy how-to videos

How to Integrate with Amazon Neptune

How to Integrate with Amazon Neptune

How to Integrate with SQL Graph Databases

How to Integrate with SQL Graph Databases

How to Integrate with Excel Data Sources

How to Integrate with Excel Data Sources

How to Integrate with Neo4j Graph Databases

How to Integrate with Neo4j Graph Databases

Multiple data views

Perspectives provides multiple presentation formats allowing you to create graph visualizations that best suit your use case. Perspectives supports graph drawing, tree, timeline, table, map, chart and inspector views. Learn more to understand how graph visualizations help you understand the structure and patterns in your data and reveal insights.


State-of-the-art layouts

We've moved far beyond the competition. Where others support only simple, force-directed (spring embedder) techniques, we offer five interactive graph layout algorithms. See below for a high-level description of our graph layout styles, or learn how our automated graph layout brings clarity and reveals the structure in connected data.

Bundle Layout


Where possible, this layout intelligently combines (or bundles) related edges between nodes into one. So instead of seeing five edges leading from five nodes to a common destination, some of those edges bundle together, making the overall graph easier to read.

Circular Layout


Graphs often contain subgraphs of nodes that are more strongly related to each other. Circular layout finds these subgraphs, or clusters, and emphasizes them in the drawing while highlighting the superstructure and detail of the overall graph.

Hierarchical Layout


Hierarchical layout emphasizes dependency relationships and flows. Especially useful for graphs with directed edges, these drawings show that some graph elements depend on others, while other elements do not.

Orthogonal Layout


Edges in Orthogonal layout style are routed with horizontal and vertical segments. This layout produces high-precision visualizations of complex graphs that have many edges, nested components, or specific connection points on nodes.

Symmetric Layout


Symmetric layout emphasizes connected nodes by placing them close to each other and drawing edges with straight lines. This layout is particularly useful for graphs that represent structures that happen in real life such as social or computer networks. 

Sophisticated drawing and layout

Why do our customers love us?  No other product on the market matches our advanced drawing capabilities. 

  • Global, incremental, and constraint-based layouts with full support for nested diagrams and labeling produce understandable graph drawings.

  • The layout system ensures readable edge routing with support for nested connectors, jumpovers, and precise shape clipping.

  • Complexity management techniques support nested drawings with drill-down, collapse, and expand.

Review the full features list for even more specifics.

Navigate, search, and filter your data

Interact with your graph visualization using flexible filtering, attribute-driven search, synchronized selection and highlighting, overviews, panning and link navigation, and marquee, focal, and interactive zooming.


Find Connections

Make your data work for you. The suite of graph analysis algorithms available in Perspectives helps you find direct connections, middlemen, paths, and influencers. 

Build and Deploy

Use your existing DevOps pipeline

Use Perspectives to design your graph visualization and analytics application. Then seamlessly integrate with standard source control, build, and CI/CD integration programs. Select the deployment option that meets the needs of your end users.


Dev Ops Pipeline


How to deploy Perspectives applications

Learn how to deploy Perspectives applications to Kubernetes, Docker, and Terraform environments.


Multiple hosting options for your stand-alone application

Getting your graph visualizations into the hands of those who can take action has never been easier.
AWS Marketplace

Cloud AWS

Fans of AWS Marketplace can deploy their completed graph visualization application using Amazon EKS or Amazon ECS and then auto-scale licensing with ease. If security is a concern, deploy to the secure AWS Gov Cloud (US) environment.
Internal Server

Internal Server

Want to keep your application behind closed doors? Perspectives can be deployed to your own internal server. 
Siloed Server

Siloed Server

If your cybersecurity is tighter than tight, you can deploy your graph visualization application to a bunkered, air-gapped server.

I was literally drawing graphs like these on whiteboards while not really knowing what they were. When I found Tom Sawyer Software, I thought: Here's the solution to my problem!



Walt Brown

Founder, OGraph

I was very happy with the consulting services we received. Tom Sawyer Software has been a very good partner. The work was wonderful and we look forward to future releases where we can reengage with more services from them.



Chris Martha

Director of Product Management and Strategy, TIBCO

See example applications in action

Sign up and test drive example applications built with Perspectives. Analyze data, explore layouts, and see what's possible.

Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Quickly spot and drill into problematic chains in this real-world supply chain example. Visualize the chain of raw materials that make up several different styles of pens, and the graph of locations from which materials are sourced.

Microwave Network

Microwave Network

Manage the devices and antennas of a microwave transmission network. Observe edge colors and thickness to determine connection loads and capacity as you run Shortest Path analysis to find the fastest communication routes.


Crime Network

Identify fraud. Find relationships. Bust bad guys. Use social network analysis algorithms to predict patterns and make strategic decisions.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to talk about your data project and discover how an application built with Perspectives can lead to the answers you need.