Java Web: Server Features

  • Supports Oracle Java 17 and 21
  • Supports OpenJDK 17 and 21
  • Supports Spring Framework 6.1.7
  • Supports Spring Boot 3.2.5
  • Flexible component architecture
  • 100% Pure Java components
  • Supports Maven
  • Generates folder structure and application files needed to build and deploy a web application
  • Deploy application using Docker, Kubernetes, or a Terraform script
  • Deploy to Amazon Web Services
  • Deploy to Microsoft Azure
  • Deploy to hybrid clouds
  • Supports user session serialization and deserialization
  • Internationalizable
  • Unified service design for layout and analysis
  • Supports HTTPS
  • Supports OAuth2
  • Supports Cross-Site Request Forgery protection
  • User-specified schema
  • Interactive schema editor
  • Schema inheritance
  • Java domain object model (DOM) generator
  • Extract schema from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Extract schema from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Extract schema from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Extract schema from JanusGraph databases
  • Extract schema from MarkLogic databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Excel data sources
  • Extract schema from Neo4j databases
  • Extract schema from OpenAPI RESTful endpoints
  • Extract schema from OrientDB databases
  • Extract schema from RDF data sources
  • Extract schema from SQL databases
  • Extract schema from structured text data sources
  • Expression-defined schema attributes
  • Access data in data sources
  • Supports federated data access
  • Update
  • Update progress bar
  • Update cancel
  • Commit
  • Load data from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Load data from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Load data from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Load data from JanusGraph databases
  • Load data from JSON files
  • Load data from MarkLogic databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • Load data from MongoDB databases
  • Load data from Neo4j databases
  • Load data from OrientDB databases
  • Load data from RDF files and URLs
  • Load data from RESTful web services
  • Load data from Snowflake databases
  • Load data from SPARQL endpoints
  • Load data from SQL databases
  • Load data from Stardog databases
  • Load data from text files
  • Load data from XML files
  • Load RDF data from Oracle Spatial and Graph
  • The XML integrator supports namespaces
  • Query builder with text-based conditions for Gremlin queries
  • Query builder with text-based conditions for Cypher queries
  • Query builder with visual graph pattern matching for Gremlin queries
  • Query builder with visual graph pattern matching for Cypher queries
  • Load neighbors with text-based conditions for Gremlin queries
  • Load neighbors with text-based conditions for Cypher queries
  • Load neighbors with visual graph pattern matching for Gremlin queries
  • Load neighbors with visual graph pattern matching for Cypher queries
  • Graphical RDF query designer
  • Update drawing state from a data source
  • Commit drawing state to a data source
  • Native graph in-memory model
  • Validity check
  • Re-entrant model
  • Multi-threaded data model
  • Attributed data model
  • Automatic bindings
  • Model index
  • REST service
  • Stream traversals
  • Reactive streams
  • JSON serialization of the model
  • BSON serialization of the model
  • Event system
  • Attribute values can be computed from expressions using functions or other attributes
  • Attribute values can be synchronized with graphical element properties
  • Integrator filters
  • View filters
  • Data-driven filter creation
  • AWT graphics
  • Graph-based data model
  • Efficient iteration
  • Nodes with polygon shapes
  • Edges with routes
  • Nodes with connectors
  • Nested connectors
  • Nested drawings
  • Attach properties to drawing elements
  • Event system
  • XML read and write
  • Customizable UI types
  • Graphical UI Editor
  • Bitmap images
  • Data-driven graphics
  • Rule-driven graphics
  • Level-of-detail graphics
  • Scene-based graphics
  • Layout animation
  • Drawing backgrounds
  • Node borders, colors, images, and text
  • Edge line thickness, colors, and styles
  • Graphical edge crossing representation
  • Arrowhead styles
  • Connector graphics
  • HTML-formatted tooltips
  • Multi-line tooltips
  • Multi-line text fields
  • Web page linking
  • Configure context menus
  • Configure cursors
  • Cycle detection
  • Centrality measures
  • Clustering
  • Partitioning
  • Dependency analysis
  • Path finding
  • Impact analysis
  • Network flow
  • Root cause
  • Traversals
  • Trees
  • Bundle layout
  • Circular layout
  • Hierarchical layout
  • Orthogonal layout
  • Symmetric layout
  • Scalable layout
  • High-speed layout
  • Multi-threaded layout
  • Global layout
  • Incremental layout
  • Nested layout
  • Partial nested layout
  • Constraint-based layout
  • Labeling
  • Edge decorations
  • Swimlanes
  • Two-Dimensional Swimlanes
  • Routing
  • Drawing fitting
  • Layout progress bar support
  • Layout cancel support
  • Automatic node, edge, connector, and decoration labeling
  • Global labeling
  • Incremental labeling
  • Overlap-free integrated labeling during orthogonal routing
  • Rotated labeling
  • Symmetric rotated labeling with edge-length control

Perspectives web applications can be deployed on these application servers:

  • Apache Tomcat 10.1
  • Eclipse Jetty 12.0
  • Red Hat WildFly 32.0

Java Web: Client Features

  • React-based web client framework
  • AJAX architecture
  • Efficient server communication
  • Styling of visualization components with CSS
  • HTML5 web applications

  • HTML format with content tabs
  • Global search capability
  • Practical, in-depth tutorials
  • Design, development, and deployment guides
  • Detailed API references
  • Project-based design
  • Graphical application design
  • Design
  • Preview
  • Deploy
  • Customizable toolbars
  • Customizable context menus
  • Drawings
  • Maps
  • Charts
  • Timelines
  • Tables
  • Trees
  • Inspectors
  • REST
  • View Layout
  • Tab panels
  • Split panels
  • Model-driven views
  • Data-driven views
  • Rule-driven views
  • Synchronized views
  • High-speed graphics
  • HTML5 canvas graphics

  • Print setup
  • Print preview
  • Multi-page print
Interactive Environment
  • Tools and commands
  • Hit testing
  • Model-driven selection
  • Edit between model and view
  • Invokable view dialogs
  • Configurable
  • Model driven
  • Result formatting
  • Result sorting
  • Pan and zoom to results
  • Overview
  • Pan
  • Marquee zoom
  • Fit in canvas
  • Scroll and zoom controls
  • Magnifier Tool
  • Automatic scroll
  • Model-based undo and redo
  • Add, delete, and move
Complexity Management
  • Drill down
  • Drill up
  • Expand
  • Collapse
  • Nest

Perspectives supports these web browsers:

  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera

Java Web: System Requirements

Apple macOS 13


  • Intel
  • M1
  • M2


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Apple macOS 14


  • Intel
  • M1
  • M2


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows 10


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows 11


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows Server 2019


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows Server 2022


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Debian Linux 12.5


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Fedora Linux 40


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Oracle Linux 9.3


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21


Integrate with 21
types of data sources


Process over 1 million
data elements


Analyze with over 30 algorithms

Java Desktop: Features

  • Supports Oracle Java 17 and 21
  • Supports OpenJDK 17 and 21
  • Flexible component architecture
  • 100% Pure Java components
  • Supports Maven
  • Deploy to Amazon Web Services
  • Deploy to Microsoft Azure
  • Deploy to hybrid clouds
  • Swing applications
  • Eclipse SWT applications
  • Internationalizable
  • Unified service design for layout and analysis
  • HTML format with content tabs
  • Global search capability
  • Practical, in-depth tutorials
  • Design, development, and deployment guides
  • Detailed API references
  • Project-based design
  • Graphical application design
  • Design
  • Preview
  • Deploy
  • User-specified schema
  • Interactive schema editor
  • Schema inheritance
  • Java domain object model (DOM) generator
  • Extract schema from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Extract schema from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Extract schema from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Extract schema from JanusGraph databases
  • Extract schema from MarkLogic databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Excel data sources
  • Extract schema from Neo4j databases
  • Extract schema from OpenAPI RESTful endpoints
  • Extract schema from OrientDB databases
  • Extract schema from RDF data sources
  • Extract schema from SQL databases
  • Extract schema from structured text data sources
  • Expression-defined schema attributes
  • Native graph in-memory model
  • Validity check
  • Re-entrant model
  • Multi-threaded data model
  • Attributed data model
  • Automatic bindings
  • Model index
  • Stream traversals
  • Reactive streams
  • JSON serialization of the model
  • BSON serialization of the model
  • Event system
  • Attribute values can be computed from expressions using functions or other attributes
  • Attribute values can be synchronized with graphical element properties
  • Access data in data sources
  • Supports federated data access
  • Update
  • Update progress bar
  • Update cancel
  • Commit
  • Load data from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Load data from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Load data from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Load data from JanusGraph databases
  • Load data from JSON files
  • Load data from MarkLogic databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • Load data from MongoDB databases
  • Load data from Neo4j databases
  • Load data from OrientDB databases
  • Load data from RDF files and URLs
  • Load data from RESTful web services
  • Load data from Snowflake databases
  • Load data from SPARQL endpoints
  • Load data from SQL databases
  • Load data from Stardog databases
  • Load data from text files
  • Load data from XML files
  • Load RDF data from Oracle Spatial and Graph
  • The XML integrator supports namespaces
  • Graphical RDF query designer
  • Update drawing state from a data source
  • Commit drawing state to a data source
  • Drawings
  • Tables
  • Trees
  • Inspectors
  • Model-driven views
  • Data-driven views
  • Rule-driven views
  • Synchronized views
  • Integrator filters
  • View filters
  • Data-driven filter creation
  • Graph-based data model
  • Efficient iteration
  • Nodes with polygon shapes
  • Edges with routes
  • Nodes with connectors
  • Nested connectors
  • Nested drawings
  • Attach properties to drawing elements
  • Event system
  • XML read and write
  • Customizable UI types
  • Graphical UI Editor
  • Bitmap images
  • SVG images
  • Data-driven graphics
  • Rule-driven graphics
  • Level-of-detail graphics
  • Scene-based graphics
  • Layout animation
  • Drawing backgrounds
  • Node borders, colors, images, and text
  • Edge line thickness, colors, and styles
  • Graphical edge crossing representation
  • Arrowhead styles
  • Connector graphics
  • HTML-formatted tooltips
  • Multi-line tooltips
  • Multi-line text fields
  • Web page linking
  • Configure context menus
  • Configure cursors
  • Customizable toolbars
  • Customizable context menus
  • High-speed display
  • Swing-based rendering
  • Minimum invalid region refresh
Printing & Exporting
  • Print preview
  • Multi-page print
  • Image export
Interactive Environment
  • Tools and commands
  • Hit testing
  • Model-driven selection
  • Edit between model and view
  • Configurable
  • Model driven
  • Result formatting
  • Result sorting
  • Pan and zoom to results
  • Overview
  • Pan
  • Marquee zoom
  • Interactive zoom
  • Fit in canvas
  • Automatic scroll
  • Link navigation
  • Model-based undo and redo
  • Add, delete, and move
Complexity Management
  • Drill down
  • Drill up
  • Expand
  • Collapse
  • Nest
  • Cycle detection
  • Centrality measures
  • Clustering
  • Partitioning
  • Dependency analysis
  • Path finding
  • Impact analysis
  • Network flow
  • Root cause
  • Traversals
  • Trees
  • Bundle layout
  • Circular layout
  • Hierarchical layout
  • Orthogonal layout
  • Symmetric layout
  • Scalable layout
  • High-speed layout
  • Multi-threaded layout
  • Global layout
  • Incremental layout
  • Nested layout
  • Partial nested layout
  • Constraint-based layout
  • Labeling
  • Edge decorations
  • Swimlanes
  • Two-Dimensional Swimlanes
  • Routing
  • Drawing fitting
  • Layout progress bar support
  • Layout cancel support
  • Automatic node, edge, connector, and decoration labeling
  • Global labeling
  • Incremental labeling
  • Overlap-free integrated labeling during orthogonal routing
  • Rotated labeling
  • Symmetric rotated labeling with edge-length control

Java Desktop: System Requirements

Apple macOS 13


  • Intel
  • M1
  • M2


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Apple macOS 14


  • Intel
  • M1
  • M2


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows 10


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows 11


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows Server 2019


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Microsoft Windows Server 2022


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Debian Linux 12.5


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Fedora Linux 40


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Oracle Linux 9.3


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21
Ubuntu Linux 24.04 LTS


  • Intel-compatible


  • Oracle Java 17
  • Oracle Java 21
  • OpenJDK 17
  • OpenJDK 21

.NET Features

.NET Web: Server Features

  • Flexible component architecture
  • Deploy to Amazon Web Services
  • Deploy to Microsoft Azure
  • Deploy to hybrid clouds
  • Supports ASP.NET and MVC web applications
  • Supports user session serialization and deserialization
  • Localizable
  • Unified service design for layout and analysis
  • Supports HTTPS
  • Supports Cross-Site Request Forgery protection
  • User specified schema
  • Extract schema from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Extract schema from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Extract schema from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Extract schema from JanusGraph databases
  • Extract schema from MarkLogic databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Excel data sources
  • Extract schema from Neo4j databases
  • Extract schema from OpenAPI RESTful endpoints
  • Extract schema from OrientDB databases
  • Extract schema from RDF data sources
  • Extract schema from SQL databases
  • Extract schema from structured text data sources
  • Expression defined schema attributes
  • Access data in data sources
  • Supports federated data access
  • Update
  • Update progress bar
  • Update cancel
  • Commit
  • Load data from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Load data from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Load data from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Load data from JanusGraph databases
  • Load data from JSON files
  • Load data from MarkLogic databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • Load data from MongoDB databases
  • Load data from Neo4j databases
  • Load data from OrientDB
  • Load data from RDF files and URLs
  • Load data from RESTful web services
  • Load data from SPARQL endpoints
  • Load data from SQL databases
  • Load data from Stardog databases
  • Load data from text files
  • Load data from XML files
  • Load RDF data from Oracle Spatial and Graph
  • The XML integrator supports namespaces
  • Graphical RDF query designer
  • Update drawing state from a data source
  • Commit drawing state to a data source
  • Validity check
  • Re-entrant model
  • Multi-threaded data model
  • Attributed data model
  • Model index
  • Event system
  • Attribute values can be computed from expressions using functions or other attributes
  • Attribute values can be synchronized with graphical element properties
  • Integrator filters
  • View filters
  • Data-driven filter creation
  • Graph-based data model
  • Efficient iteration
  • Nodes with polygon shapes
  • Edges with routes
  • Nodes with connectors
  • Nodes with nested connectors
  • Nested drawings
  • Attach properties to drawing elements
  • Event system
  • Customizable UI types
  • Graphical UI Editor
  • Bitmap images
  • Data-driven graphics
  • Rule-driven graphics
  • Level-of-detail graphics
  • Scene-based graphics
  • Drawing backgrounds
  • Node borders, colors, images, and text
  • Edge line thickness, colors, and styles
  • Graphical edge crossing representation
  • Arrowhead styles
  • Connector graphics
  • HTML-formatted tooltips
  • Multi-line tooltips
  • Multi-line text fields
  • Web page linking
  • Configure context menus
  • Configure cursors
  • Cycle detection
  • Centrality measures
  • Clustering
  • Partitioning
  • Dependency analysis
  • Path finding
  • Impact analysis
  • Network flow
  • Root cause
  • Traversals
  • Bundle layout
  • Circular layout
  • Hierarchical layout
  • Orthogonal layout
  • Symmetric layout
  • Scalable layout
  • High-speed layout
  • Multi-threaded layout
  • Global layout
  • Incremental layout
  • Nested layout
  • Partial nested layout
  • Constraint-based layout
  • Labeling
  • Edge decorations
  • Swimlanes
  • Two-dimensional swimlanes
  • Routing
  • Drawing fitting
  • Layout progress bar support
  • Layout cancel support
  • Automatic node, edge, and connector labeling
  • Global labeling
  • Incremental labeling
  • Overlap-free integrated labeling during orthogonal routing
  • Rotated labeling
  • Symmetric rotated labeling with edge-length control

Perspectives web applications can be deployed on these application servers:

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 8.0, 8.5, and 10.0

.NET Web: Client Features

  • AJAX architecture
  • Efficient server communication
  • Styling of visualization components with CSS
  • HTML5 web applications
  • ImageMap web applications
  • HTML format with content tabs
  • Global search capability
  • Practical, in-depth tutorials
  • Design, development, and deployment guides
  • Detailed API references
  • Project-based design
  • Graphical application design
  • Design
  • Preview
  • Deploy
  • Customizable toolbars
  • Customizable context menus
  • High-speed graphics
  • HTML5 canvas graphics
  • Image Map graphics
  • Drawings
  • Maps
  • Charts
  • Timelines
  • Tables
  • Trees
  • Inspectors
  • Tab panels
  • Split panels
  • Model-driven views
  • Data-driven views
  • Rule-driven views
  • Synchronized views
  • Print setup
  • Print preview
  • Multi-page print
Interactive Environment
  • Tools and commands
  • Hit testing
  • Model-driven selection
  • Edit between model and view
  • Invokable view dialogs
  • Configurable
  • Model driven
  • Result formatting
  • Result sorting
  • Pan and zoom to results
  • Overview
  • Pan
  • Marquee zoom
  • Fit in canvas
  • Scroll and zoom controls
  • Automatic scroll
  • Model-based undo and redo
  • Add, delete, and move
Complexity Management
  • Drill down
  • Drill up
  • Expand
  • Collapse
  • Nest

Perspectives supports these web browsers:

  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera

.NET Web: System Requirements

Perspectives supports any development environment that is compliant with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 to 6.0, including Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and 2022.

Microsoft Windows 10


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft Windows 11


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft Windows Server 2019


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft Windows Server 2022


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022

.NET Desktop: Features

  • Flexible component architecture
  • WPF applications
  • Windows Forms applications
  • Localizable
  • Unified service design for layout and analysis
  • HTML format with content tabs
  • Global search capability
  • Practical, in-depth tutorials
  • Design, development, and deployment guides
  • Detailed API references
  • Project-based design
  • Graphical application design
  • Design
  • Preview
  • Deploy
  • User specified schema
  • Extract schema from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Extract schema from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Extract schema from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Extract schema from JanusGraph databases
  • Extract schema from MarkLogic databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Extract schema from Microsoft Excel data sources
  • Extract schema from Neo4j databases
  • Extract schema from OpenAPI RESTful endpoints
  • Extract schema from OrientDB databases
  • Extract schema from RDF data sources
  • Extract schema from SQL databases
  • Extract schema from structured text data sources
  • Expression defined schema attributes
  • Validity check
  • Re-entrant model
  • Multi-threaded data model
  • Attributed data model
  • Model index
  • Event system
  • Attribute values can be computed from expressions using functions or other attributes
  • Attribute values can be synchronized with graphical element properties
  • Access data in data sources
  • Supports federated data access
  • Update
  • Update progress bar
  • Update cancel
  • Commit
  • Load data from Amazon Neptune databases
  • Load data from Apache TinkerPop databases
  • Load data from Cambridge Semantics AnzoGraph DB databases
  • Load data from JanusGraph databases
  • Load data from JSON files
  • Load data from MarkLogic databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Cosmos Azure databases
  • Load data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • Load data from MongoDB databases
  • Load data from Neo4j databases
  • Load data from OrientDB
  • Load data from RDF files and URLs
  • Load data from RESTful web services
  • Load data from SPARQL endpoints
  • Load data from SQL databases
  • Load data from Stardog databases
  • Load data from text files
  • Load data from XML files
  • Load RDF data from Oracle Spatial and Graph
  • The XML integrator supports namespaces
  • Graphical RDF query designer
  • Update drawing state from a data source
  • Commit drawing state to a datasource
  • Drawings
  • Tables
  • Trees
  • Inspectors
  • Model-driven views
  • Data-driven views
  • Rule-driven views
  • Synchronized views
  • Integrator filters
  • View filters
  • Data-driven filter creation
  • Graph-based data model
  • Efficient iteration
  • Nodes with polygon shapes
  • Edges with routes
  • Nodes with connectors
  • Nested drawings
  • Attach properties to drawing elements
  • Event system
  • Customizable UI types
  • Graphical UI Editor
  • Bitmap images
  • Data-driven graphics
  • Rule-driven graphics
  • Level-of-detail graphics
  • Scene-based graphics
  • Drawing backgrounds
  • Node borders, colors, images, and text
  • Edge line thickness, colors, and styles
  • Graphical edge crossing representation
  • Arrowhead styles
  • Connector graphics
  • Multi-line tooltips
  • Multi-line text fields
  • Web page linking
  • Configure context menus
  • Configure cursors
  • Customizable toolbars
  • Customizable context menus
  • High-speed display
  • Direct2D rendering
  • Minimum invalid region refresh
Printing & Exporting
  • Print preview
  • Multi-page print
  • Image export
Interactive Environment
  • Tools and commands
  • Hit testing
  • Model-driven selection
  • Edit between model and view
  • Configurable
  • Model driven
  • Result formatting
  • Result sorting
  • Pan and zoom to results
  • Overview
  • Pan
  • Marquee zoom
  • Interactive zoom
  • Fit in canvas
  • Automatic scroll
  • Link navigation
  • Model-based undo and redo
  • Add, delete, and move
Complexity Management
  • Drill down
  • Drill up
  • Expand
  • Collapse
  • Nest
  • Cycle detection
  • Centrality measures
  • Clustering
  • Partitioning
  • Dependency analysis
  • Path finding
  • Impact analysis
  • Network flow
  • Root cause
  • Traversals
  • Bundle layout
  • Circular layout
  • Hierarchical layout
  • Orthogonal layout
  • Symmetric layout
  • Scalable layout
  • High-speed layout
  • Multi-threaded layout
  • Global layout
  • Incremental layout
  • Nested layout
  • Partial nested layout
  • Constraint-based layout
  • Labeling
  • Edge decorations
  • Swimlanes
  • Two-dimensional swimlanes
  • Routing
  • Drawing fitting
  • Layout progress bar support
  • Layout cancel support
  • Layout animation
  • Automatic node, edge, connector, and decoration labeling
  • Global labeling
  • Incremental labeling
  • Overlap-free integrated labeling during orthogonal routing
  • Rotated labeling
  • Symmetric rotated labeling with edge-length control

.NET Desktop: System Requirements

Perspectives supports any development environment that is compliant with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 to 6.0, including Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and 2022.

Microsoft Windows 10


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft Windows 11


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft Windows Server 2019


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft Windows Server 2022


  • Intel-compatible

Development Environment:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022

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